Friday, February 27, 2009


So I sat down today to the prospect of a wonderful evening. Yes, I had worked throughout the day, and it felt good to have done a man's job. Something about having to come home and take a shower before thinking of anything else makes me think good about myself...that or I may just need a better deodorant (pause for all the female readers to say "eeew" and resume). Tonight was going to be fun. Ah, don't you love how, when you DON'T make plans, you end up having a wonderful evening? Well, tonight I MADE plans to have a wonderful evening, and they were...disoriented. Now, I already know what you are going to tell me when I say this (no, I'm not a mind reader, I've just heard it from my friends tonight already) but my phone died. Yes, please, don't say it. I know it's terrible for me to be so attached to it, and in my mind I can hear several intellectual people giving their intense thoughts on the matter. Anyway, I've realized how addicted I am to my phone. Not quite as bad as a drug, but its up there with some people's need for coffee throughout the day (yes, I do know that caffeine is a drug). Upon the realization that my phone wasn't going to make it through the night I also realized several other things that bummed me out. A) I shouldn't have gotten the Cajun Shrimp Alfredo. B) Some of my friends are jerks (but that's okay, I am too sometimes) and C) My mom is a racist (well, that was last night, but I thought I'd reiterate it into today's horrific thoughts). These thoughts, mixed together with an overdue meltdown of annoyance settled me into a somber mood for the evening. Ah, now, aren't you all happy you read this?

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