Thursday, February 26, 2009

Common Sense and Faith

Recently a friend and I were talking about faith. I love the guy with all my heart, but he said something that really got me thinking. What he said went something like this: I'm trying so hard to find the balance between faith and common sense. You know, doing the smart thing. I told him that there wasn't really a balance to faith and common sense, because you can't have to much faith. He disagreed, saying that God wouldn't reward stupidity. Now, I may have taken him wrong, but here are a few examples of seemingly stupid things that people did in the Bible because they had faith.

Daniel: prayed in the window
Smart thing to do: stay out of the window for a few days
Result: thrown in the Lion's den
Result of that: a king saw the power of THE true God

Joshua: marched around the strongest city in Canaan to destroy it
Smart thing to do: use strategy and force to destroy it, or just march around it and let someone else destroy it
Result: Walls came crumbling down and an entire nation saw God's raw and awesome power!

Ruth: widowed and penniless left her home to be with her mother-in-law (who in their right mind?)
Smart thing: stay with daddy and mommy (her cool one) where she would have better chances to find a hubby
Result: God provided for her needs, gave her another (better) hubby, gave her her own book in the Bible, and included her in the linage of Jesus

Noah: built a boat for a hundred and twenty years
Smart thing: stop seemingly wasting his time and enter a life of ease
First result of obeying God: was laughed at and scorned, but stayed dry (and alive) for forty days and nights while the rest of the world was destroyed.

I could go on and on and ON but the point is that in ALL of our lives God asks us to do things that look ridiculous and cause us to scratch our heads, but the point is we can't have to much faith in what He says. I'm sure that Noah lost some direction and questioned what he was doing in those 120 yrs of building (honestly, do you REALLY thing that every one of those days was spent building an Ark and zero of them were spent in prayer seeking God's direction? So to my friend I just say, keep faith. Even today when you go about your life keep in mind that its never bad to have to much faith (even when it makes more sense to do something smarter)


  1. I really liked this, and I must say I agree with you. Thanks for writing it!

  2. so true Jared. Sorry for making fun of you last night when you were trying to read it to us. :-) Lol. i'm not. hahaha

  3. Jared, this is really great. Love the examples! I do think that God expects us to use the mind that He gave us in most day-to-day decisions, but also to not be afraid to trust Him when he calls us to obey him in situations that don't seem to make sense or go along with OUR plans.

  4. Wow, ok so i am trying to catch up on some old posts... but i have to say God has a good reason why He happened to have me read this.. right this second! He is so amazing! How come we forget to trust!? ugh... Love the examples. u should do a few more!! :D
