Thursday, February 12, 2009

camping out v-day

Ah the days are getting warmer , the sun is shinning brighter, and I'm still addicted to Call of Duty 4. Not to brag, but I'm not terrible. I'm not pro or even close, but I can get the job done. Yes, I'm a gamer at times...sometimes a little to much. But that's a sore subject you probably don't want to bring up to me, cause I may just shun you, or get defensive (I know what your thinking, and you can forget it Becky).

Camp Meeting is in full swing. Some people around campus don't appreciate all the hustle and bustle, but really, I do enjoy it. The new faces, the excitement, the over zealous security, and who's to forget the services where God still comes and meets with His people. No, it may not be like it was in the glory days, but just because all the girls aren't wearing hoes and don't all have their hair up in the same style doesn't mean that God still isn't here. So, instead of hiding in your room, house, or trailer, get out and meet someone. Talk to a visiting missionary. Push a random kid on a swing. Look for someone to pray for, someone to encourage. Don't hide. Don't be afraid. Allow God to use you in Sea Breeze Camp '09.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow. St. Valentine marrying all of those couples didn't have any idea what he was doing to us men in the 21st century. Ladies who are single, allow me to just say this: if you don't get a v-day card don't worry. You will get your share in the future. God has someone in mind for you. Not all those girls who have a man right now are going to be happy with the outcome of the relationship their in, so count your blessings and keep your chin up. And when all else fails, just remember, Valentine's Day is overrated, haha.

Encouragement comes in many different packages. For me, today, it came in an unexpected manner. I love being a friend and encouraging, my dad says its my spiritual gift. But at times I need a little myself. I can't go into detail, but I just want to say when I help a friend out, in even the smallest way, and they appreciate it (just a simple thank you) I feel encouraged :) I know, its not fireworks or anything, but it really does help me along. Its good to know I'm good for something every once in awhile :P


  1. I like how you spelled hose... :)And I totally agree with you, times change, but God does NOT... oh and yeah, missionaries are cool... ;)

  2. first of all, hoes wore hose first, so technically i'm on the right track
