Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From One Anti-Five O'clock Person To Another

I basically spent the entire day with Noah. That was, amazing. He is decidedly a morning person...or maybe a mid-day person. But he is definitely not a five o'clock person.

Adam gave me a sandwich for lunch...thank you Adam. It was...delish.

After that I came over to my brother and sister-in-law's house(I'm still getting used to that term Beth, cause I've always just thought of you as a sister) . Noah was up and at-em. We had a lot of fun together today. Went to the beach and watched the birds...on the way to the beach we listened to the Beach Boys...merely a coincidence that we did though, there was no preconceived ideas in my head when I played it, haha.

We (Noah and I) were almost drenched, and just barely made it to the cafeteria before a downpour.

When we got home (my brother and sister-in-law's) it was 5 o'clock. He was a grouch. Develops a sever case of A.D.D. and the only thing that will hold his attention for more than 5 seconds is (can you guess?) my cell phone. His infatuation with cell phones concerns me, because he is almost to the same level of addiction that I am. Poor guy. He'll grow up never knowing what its like to stay out later than he was supposed to, because his parents couldn't get a hold of him to tell him his curfew changed. Noah, the things you'll be cursed to put up with by this technology. I just wish you could understand me as you each for my phone again...you don't want this haha.

Um, so I grew in God today. A little bit of faith was the result, and a lot of fumbling around and feeling silly the means by which I procured my ounce of faith, and I don't regret it (the fumbling and feeling silly part). God is so good...I want to tell the world. I want to share it with everyone. It makes me sick to see the amount of decay in our churches. Wake up :) Know God is alive! He's real! He LOVES us! Sigh, I'll leave that sermon for another day...

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