Friday, February 6, 2009

Coffee, Guitar, and Ruckus

Today has been amazing. Yesterday was better. I've re-discovered something. The wonderful world of caffeine highs. Wow, ten cups of coffee just about does it. I smiled and laughed the entire day. Of course, it came at a small cost of a crash somewhere around 12 a.m. but it was worth it I think. Even the tossing and turning on the couch didn't take my feelings of being somewhat accomplished.

I also found out that sometimes, babies do things to be annoying, just like me haha. Yes. Yes, I did just admit that I am like a baby in some ways (wow, that's insane).

I also realized that I love eating lunches with my friends. Laughing and carrying on in a loud and ruckus manner. I'm quite sure that far to many older people think we are out of control, but I'm afraid we don't care to much about volume control.

Also, I've learned to play a few new songs on guitar. Jon Hsu (my Asian friend) has been giving me tips, and my good friend Beck...a allowed me to borrow a guitar. Feel very honored to use it :) That was very nice of her.

The Lord has been good to me. I've been reminded that even though I've been saved, I still have a long way to go. He's been with me in incredible ways. Where I am today is only by His grace, where I'm going tomorrow would be no where without Him.

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