Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gimme a Moment

I wipe another tear from my eye, and refocus my gaze upon the TV screen in front of me. The emotions and sympathy felt toward the people whom the actors were depicting overwhelmed my senses, and for the first time in a long time, I cried. I don't cry during movies a lot, so don't take me for a sap, but watching the TV show "Band of Brothers" has given me an outlook on war not seen in many movies. It all came to a climax though, when the Allies finally had fought their way into Nazi Germany, and began finding the concentration camps. A soldier slowly walked into one such camp, and I saw the happiness and joy come upon the prisoner's faces as they realized that they had been liberated. In one scene a prisoner threw his arms around a soldier, crying, tears flowing from his face. He hugged the soldier in his weak fragile arms, whole body shaking, and kissed the soldier. The remnants of a man, starved, put through who knows what, probably giving up hope every day, thinking he would never see the outside of his prison. It moved me so much as I remember it all, and tears flow again. The man's tears became my tears, his sorrow, and emptiness felt in my heart, and then the joy on his face as his liberator's came into view. In that brief scene I was reminded of my own pitiful state. How I had once been a prisoner in sin, starved of love, I had locked myself there, and then one day God came into my prison. Strong and mighty, I saw Him. Crying, and threw my arms around Him. God saved me. Words cannot describe the love in my heart for my Savior. Like that prisoner, I too have been liberated. Like that prisoner, I now thank my Savior for all He did to liberate this starving soul from his self-inflicted prison

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