Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Famous Doctor's Birthday

Sigh, today and yesterday I've learned the true feelings of my neighbors. Evidently I have no motorcycle enthusiast living in my neck of the woods (except my brother of course). Several sources indicate that I am coming or going far to loud. I wish they could hear my bike when I want it to be loud. Its truly obnoxious, but when I leave my humble abode, I honestly keep it to a very "quiet" level.

Today was Dr. Seuss' birthday today. He was a special guy. If you want to get some really good quotes, just Google him and you'll be amazed.

Andrew worked very late tonight. Something about the happen-chance that someone from his store was almost guaranteed to get fired by the "big bad boss" prompted him to stay at work from 9 am to 2:30 am. Good luck bud, hope ya don't get the hatchet after dropping that many hours into your job.

I'm very curious how today (today being Tuesday) will turn out. Normally I don't worry about the next day, unless there is something looming in the distance which I am unsure of, and can go very good or bad all depending on me (of course, God is in control, but if I think that, then I can't worry anymore and that's just silly...wait).

Walking Noah to the beach every few days, and passing the same people has led me to believe that they think he is my son. They smile and some parents give me this "look" that I'm confident is some kind of parental code that says "I've been there". Only problem is, I've never been there, and that look is making me uncomfortable. I've never even changed a diaper (stop gawking, many ppl haven't, sheesh).

Tonight I used the word "retard", but I said it so fast it came out like "rataard". The grief I got from the torment my friends gave me the rest of the night cured me from using the word all together. I have great friends...

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