Monday, March 23, 2009

Who's Cynical? I'm Not...Am I?

Oh the cynical days where I feel like challenging the world with everything I have. I don't often feel like picking a fight, but today I did. Probably not conducive to my health or well-being, so I digressed from my childish feelings of fighting and resumed my original cynical self that welcomed my face into existence as I stared in the mirror this morning.

Jonathan Robinson stayed at my house a couple of days this week. He just got back from Iraq and decided to use some vacation time to hit up Florida. Naturally when I found out he was down here I told him to come stay with me. What are friends for anyway?

In the morning I get to take Jonathan Leach to the airport...5:30 is looking very early right now, but maybe if I get him there and get to work early I'll get off work early. My sister-in-law (I know you'll read this Beth) insist on giving me something for this favor. I'm thinking a lifetime supply of noodles. I don't know why noodles, but that would mean as much to me as anything else she paid me with, cause its really my pleasure (seriously Beth, your my sister).

Indiantown is coming up soon, as I was reminded again tonight. I pray for those kids while I'm at work. I enjoy my job for that reason. I get to work alone a lot (that's probably going to change though), and when I'm alone I just sorta naturally talk to God. You know, its just me and Him out there, and I'm really quite boring to talk to myself. I find my conversations very predictable.

Oh, I found out today that when someone is unpredictable it doesn't mean that they're unpredictable at all...its something entirely predictable. Yes, you learn new things everyday


  1. I would comment on all your blogs but you talk about things that I already know or that i dont understand should probably change your writings for my benefits haha jk anyways I am so glad to know that you are learning valuable lessons in life:)

  2. Wow bro. you know how to make a sistah weep! :') They are good tears. You don't know how glad I am to know that God is the center of your life! I am DYING to go down to FL and meet Peewee and Marco (so this has nothing to do w/ ur post... lol) anyway Idk when or if I'll be able to do that anytime soon... u should get pictures and send them to me. via phone or w/e. i love having pictures w/ my prayers. :) God is so amazing! I was tlkn to Joseph tonight and he was quoted Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." I don't know if I have ever read that Scripture before, but I know that I have never paid attention to it before. Joseph said that so many times we pray and ask God for stuff and then let it go..., and God works above and beyond. We ask Him for something little and He goes way beyond what we thought. We ask for what we think is impossible, and God can still go beyond OUR impossibilities!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Ok so very random... but I hope it amazed you as much as it did me! love ya
