Friday, March 6, 2009

I Need A Wash For I've Fallin Down

mmmmhmmm, its true. I'm still making mistakes. I heard the warnings growing up, that the paths we choose will effect us all our lives. Oh, if only I'd have paid attention, haha. Learning to take it with a laugh and grain of salt isn't all that easy, really. I realized today that I've carried over some rather nasty habits from my life of sin that (now that Light has been shed on them) are going on the chopping block. God was quick to convict me, and am I ever thankful. Yes, I feel like an idiot. Yes, I'm probably in deep doo-doo. The important thing is that God taught me a lesson I shall not forget (I think that I'm getting an idea for the youth group Sunday).

God gave me Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you man know how ye ought to answer every man". I realized today that my speech wasn't always with grace. In fact, I've had some down right mean and evil speech come from my mouth that wasn't at all holy or upright. God is faithful, that is all I know. I'd have given up on me and my antics long ago, but for some reason He keeps picking me up and dusting me off.

So Saturday I've set up some stuff for the youth group to do. We're going bowling...well, they are haha. I have a ticket for a concert this Saturday, and Brian told me not to worry about it and basically insisted I go to the concert (thanks Brian). I can't wait to see what will happen next :)

Dad called today :) He told me he was praying for me. He doesn't know how much that means to me. His sincere heart and the intense love he conveys is amazing. I've never doubted my father or mother's love for a second (even though my temper and anger may have shown otherwise). I know they only want what is best. They're wonderful and amazing parents. I wouldn't trade them for any other parents in the world. The relationship that they have with each other and God has been a seemingly perfect one. Secretly I compare my relationships with theirs. I do hope that my marriage is as happy as theirs :) I know that most kids have a high opinion of their parents, so I won't try to even compare, but I want them both to know that I love them very much.


  1. So... I'm browsing through blogs today and look who I find out in blog land :)
