Friday, January 30, 2009

Today's Knight

Today, er, last night I sat on my couch/bed and considered today's knight. Here is what came up with :)

Today’s strong knight in armor bright
Sits high and proud ready to fight
His eyes are trained to see the danger
And still risks his life for lowly stranger

In the distance and struggle is seen
Between a damsel and a fiend
Spurring black steed into the battle
His whole will bent on killing this rabble

His sword is drawn his shield raised high
He let out valiant battle cry
This devil no match for valiant hero
Its chance of success was turned to zero

The lady, instead of thanking this knight
Was not all impressed with this valiant’s might.
She screamed a halt to stop his steed
Like a knight of honor, he did heed.

“My Lady, this beast wishes to kill you,”
“please, let my blade run him through!”
“No!” she shouted with hoarse voice
“I wish you leave, I’ve made my choice”

“But lady, please, this beast is large”
“Allow me now to finish my charge.”
“Young knight,” she said without a thought
Tis not the first fight that I’ve fought”

The knight in shinning armor turned
For this a lessons hard to learn
The damsels today don’t want a knight
Instead they’re heart’s hard, ready to fight

Is that lady there in some distress?
Knights wish to do what they do best
Some men don’t fight, and it’s a shame
For its not them, but the women to blame

Let them fight and do their deed
Let them charge on valiant steed
For knights are rare, but rarer still
Is a lady who lets his charge be filled

1 comment:

  1. From a lady to all ladies:

    May damsels now all please take note
    Take off your armor and your coat
    Allow a knight to charge your foe
    And let your thanks be duely shown.

    For if you don't there just may come
    A time in which you will succum.
    to a firy battle's death
    And your knight will lose his quest.
