Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A creative way to say you are a lousy bum without a job: I'm currently in the search for an appropriate means of which to gather income and thus meet my needs.

yes, currently i've had two job interviews, and am in the process of sending a resume` for the third. I've approached four business managers/owners with my best smile and neatest attire, and gotten the "we aren't hiring" mumbo-jumbo. Ah, life is sweet. Sarcasm? Well, to my room mate maybe, but who wouldn't kill to live on the East coast of Florida, own a surfboard and motorcycle, and be able to do whatever they wanted all day? Yeah, its not as great as it sounds when your inbetween college and are supposed to be working to pay off debts its not that grand.

Today was good, however. Woke up at 9 a.m. and started my day off in the right direction with a yogurt (strawberry, delicious). I chose to sleep on the couch vs. my pathetic excuse for a bed (its hideaway in the couch in my tiny, tiny room. I did the dishes, some laundry, jumped in the shower, and then headed off on my bike to the job interview. No, I will not tell you where (I'm rather ashamed of it actually). Now, normally I'm confident of job interviews, but my room mate has shaken that confidence with pessamism and, thus, effectivly destroyed all hope I had in getting the job (he wants me to wash airplanes, I just want a job).

I got home and decided that the dog was in need if a walk desperately (the leaping and yanking on the chain gave it away). That was a mistake. Anyone that lives in Florida has heard of a lovely lil creature I'm quite sure God didn't create and is a spawn of Satan himself: the No-See-Em. yeah, you can't see 'em, and they bite the HECK out of you.

I returned home, with pieces of me missing and cooked supper (why did I show off that I knew how to cook?). It was delicious (naturally). Now, I'm pulling a blank on what else to write. And since I know that I have at least one loyal fan waiting up till the wee hours of the night just to read this, I shall bid thee all a good evening.

1 comment:

  1. Ever so loyal fan that I am...I smiled and laughed and identified with your pain of joblessness. And now I sit with eyes half closed, posting a comment because of all the not so fan like things I say to you on a regular basis...your writing is very entertaining. It was worth waiting up to read this. You will get a job...remember my words as you smile big for your next interview. And keep smiling while you wash those planes ahaha. Keep up with this seriously. :)
