Monday, April 6, 2009

Vote Sunscreen

My nose is a redish pink, and I'm thankful for its semi-burn every time I look at the back of Drew's neck. Poor guy didn't know what he was getting into when he took a lawncare job in FL. The work, in my opinion, isn't all that hard, but the sun will do a number on ya. He scoffed at the idea of taking a damp towel and draping it over his neck while at work...I've been there. But I've also done it, and it feels amazing during a hot long day.

So I found my licence. Not many knew it was missing, but my parents did, and I thought they should know their prayers were answered. T'was in the back of Adam's car. I have no idea how it got there, but God helped me find it. Oh, did I mention that they were expired? Got that taken care of today when I switched em over to Florida. I'm now a resident of this state. Crazy, huh? Now I don't know what will happen to my vote...

I speak at Indiantown tomorrow. Please pray for me. I don't feel worthy to speak to those kids. God is really going to have to help me. My youth group and those kids in Indiantown are as different as can be. Not to mention how busy I've seemed to be lately. Tonight was the first night I've actually just stayed at home for awhile.

So I've decided not to go home for the "spring break" here. Oh, but I do have plans on how to spend the time off work...devious plans...haha jk. Maybe a plane ride around the eastern/midwest United States...seems like a good way to spend at least one day...

I got an umbrella for opening a bank account at Bank face lit up with joy and happiness as the lady brought it out for me. My very own do not come to my mouth to express the enthusiasm that overcame me to thank them for said gift. I do believe I shall never go to another bank. Ever.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It seems like forever since I've posted. Hum, that sentence is a scary one to write, for its always the beginning of the end of my blogging life. Kind of like seeing an old friend you haven't made contact with in ages. "Oh, Fred! So good to see you. Its been far to long. We should get dinner and catch up!" but you don't catch up. You never make those plans. Instead you go about life as you had before Fred came into it, and then repeat the same line 4 or 5 years later to Fred.

I don't have a friend named Fred really, but if I did I'm sure we wouldn't be comparing him to a blog post. Let us hope that this blog is not a Fred, all the same.

Drew Dahler moved down. Wow, that was fast. I thought I was going to have to explain a lot, but that sentence just about sums it up. Came down Tuesday, is working with me at my job at the golf course. We've had a lot of good times together already, and looking forward to more.

Tomorrow I thought I was going to get the chance to talk to my teens, but I remembered halfway throughout the week that we are actually going to watch a video on creation. I'd tell you what its called, but it wasn't really my call to watch it, and so it slips my mind for the moment. I sure hope the kids do come though. Last week I told them to try and read the story of the crucifixion from one of the Gospels and I'm a little worried about what the response will be tomorrow. Did they complete the task, or did they shirk it (like I used to do in youth group haha)? Hope that they have a better memory for that kinda stuff than I did. More to follow on this story...

People have been telling me I look and sound extremely tired. I'm not quite sure what to make of this. At some point, I do get tired, and at some point I am sure I sound tired. However, I think I've been more tired spiritually than anything, and thus, its weighed on my physical countenance. I usually don't ask for a lot of public prayer for myself (even now my fingers hesitate to type this), but I think I should. I need to admit I need God's peoples help praying. Sometimes one has to admit that they need assistance, and I have learned that when it comes to spiritual matters its best for me to admit that quickly and ask for assistance before I do something stupid :) So thanks in advance for your prayers, even the short little ones.